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DYM Project #3 - DYM Connect the DOTS

And I’m calling it the night of DOTS. After a long 4 days of unsuccessful meetings for brainstorming, we finally settled that we’ll make a foam circle and fill it with various quotes, slogans, puns, etc. Our idea was to make a dot that was like us: fresh, funny and creative.

(working on the DOT)

As much fun as it was (not sarcastically) shopping for markers and the foam board with the most limited budget ever, the entire graffit-ying up the dot was very adventurous. We brainstormed and googled stuff to put on the dot. We thought of parts of lyrics, speeches by great presidents, and not so great presidents (if you know what I mean).

Anyway, we managed to finish it by midnight. Next was the question of how we should take the picture with the dot. We came up with several ideas, some of which ironically involved trashing a beach to take a picture.

(The DOT took like forever to complete. It was past midnight when it was done!)

We got together the following day, travelled in a van all around Male’ (which, I have to agree was pretty fun) and finally decided that we’ll get some surfers at Raalhugan’du to hold the dots while submerged in water. It really sounded cool in our heads but when we finally got there, we saw that it was next to impossible. We got them to be submerged in the water, and hold the dot over their heads; but somehow the plan wasn’t all that fool proof.
(Siyah posing with the DOT)

The worst had happened: When they held it, they drenched the foam board, got the tape to lose its glue, the wind ripped the board into two, and they surfed away leaving the board, etc. Our photographer was running late, and we needed to figure out something, and fast. That was when we saw it: the view. The view of the surfers, the waves crashing to all different directions, the sun was just about to set: it was just simply beautiful and it was all we have got to offer. The scenery screamed out SAVE US. It begged people to not take it away from us. This was all we had, and- (insert tears)
So we got the photographer to just take dot and the scenery and it was all pretty good. See the picture with the dot that follows this post? Yeah, that’s the one.
And they lived happily ever after. No wait, that is the ending to a different story.
DOTS is a part of 350.org's Connect The Dots Projects.

DYM Project #3 - DYM Connect the DOTS
~Nattu Hassan~
< >

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